Wednesday 28 May 2008

SEO Tips that you should be doing

SEO Tips that you should be doing

As part of your web development, there are several techniques that you should be employing to make your website more search engine and visitor friendly. From the websites that I work on, I have listed 6 points that you should be doing as part of basic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to make your website more search engine and visitor friendly.

1. Webpage Title.

Write down your keywords and include them in the title of your webpage rather than the name of your website in the webpage title. Don't get me wrong, it's OK to use the name of your website if the keyword(s) are the name of your website. However, if it is not, use the Header Panel for the name and stick with the webpage title for your main keywords, not exceeding 60 - 70 characters including spaces.

2. Meta Keywords and


Ensure that the keywords used in the webpage title are the same keywords used in the META keywords and META description of your webpage. Your targeted keywords should also be used in the

heading tags of your webpage if you have any headings.

3. Use your keywords in the text on the page.

Use the same keywords that you included in the title, meta keywords and meta description in the text on your webpage. I try and include each keyword once, possible twice, in each paragraph on the webpage.

4. Deep link.

Deep link pages using anchor texts, but don't over do it. It looks untidy and desperate to a visitor and possibly a search engine. Examples of anchor links can be seen at the bottom of this article, in the resource box. Basically, you need to anchor text the relevant keyword to take the visitor or search engine spider to another page of your website which uses the same keyword as you have in the anchor text. So anchor text of 'Car Hire' on a page might take the visitor and search engine spider to a page on your website about Car Hire, with the word Car Hire on the target page being included in the webpage title, meta keyword, description and text.

5. Link using Anchor Text and URL links.

My general rule of thumb when writing an article is to have 3 separate anchor texts to 1 URL link. No more. Most article directories allow you to include this amount and it doesn't make your article look untidy. The 3 anchor texts that you use should be 3 of the keywords for the target page, found also in the webpage title, description and text of the target page.

6. Get some good SEO Software.

Simple but sometimes forgotten. Good SEO Software is so beneficial for research, finding reciprocal partners, checking backlinks etc. As part of your website development, I seriously encourage you to purchase some good SEO software as this will not only help with your rankings but also your more detailed SEO campaigns.