Wednesday 28 May 2008

SEO Success - SEO Maintenance for Your Website

SEO Success - SEO Maintenance for Your Website

SEO is not an advertising campaign. It is an ongoing process for websites if they wish to maintain their high organic rankings on major search engines like Google and Yahoo. When your site finally gets high ranking for important keywords of your business, there can never be a guarantee that your site will remain at favourable positions forever without persistent SEO maintenance.

Therefore, maintenance needs to be done for specific keywords that have achieved high organic rankings on search engines. Businesses with important keywords ranking high on organic listings simply cannot afford to lose their positions as it will mean a decrease in traffic, leads, and sales. It will be good if these companies continue to pay a SEO agency to maintain their rankings at an affordable cost.

Sometimes, search engines will just drop off a website from its listings entirely. Or in some cases, you will see a drastic drop in the ranking for some of your keywords. During these circumstances, you should give your SEO agency time to fight back the ranking for you. SEO results take time and it is also true with SEO maintenance. Give your agency a buffer period of 3 to 4 weeks to work things out before you deduce its efficiency and capability.

During SEO maintenance, it does not mean just maintaining the keywords around the same positions. A professional SEO agency should also work on improving the initial ranking of the keywords. Agency will evaluate whether any tweaking need to be done and other necessary SEO processes. Below are some of the maintenance works for SEO:

1. Changing of tagging. If the SEO agency finds that there is a drastic drop in your SEO ranking, they might suggest changing the tagging for every optimized page.

2. Adding of content. Adding fresh and keyword-rich content is definitely a great way to maintain your favourable SEO rankings.

3. Review keywords. If the conversions are low from SEO, your agency might suggest reviewing of keywords and optimize more relevant keywords for you.

4. Building links. Building link is a process that must not be stopped. Consistent link building is needed to maintain favourable SEO rankings.

Make sure that the agency handling your maintenance provides you with a monthly report to show your ranking performance. Any changes made to the website should also be documented to prevent any overwriting. With proper SEO maintenance, your site should remain in favourable positions for years to come. Remember, SEO is a process, not a one-time effort.