Wednesday 28 May 2008

Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 1

Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 1

Every website needs traffic. The life of every business on the internet is the amount of visitors you have and can drive to your website on a daily basis. There are various means of generating website traffic. Unfortunately, most people think that driving traffic to their website entails only one thing and that is building the site! Wrong. If you have been involved in any form of business at all whether offline or online, you’ll realize that the soul of every viable business is in the amount of customers or clients it can make and how many sales it can generate. This of course depends on the amount of prospects they can get to buy their products and services.
There are various methods of generating traffic to your online business. They are grouped into two major classes:

1. Online Traffic Generation Methods
2. Offline Traffic Generation Methods

Because this is a series on traffic generation, we’ll start with looking at traffic generation methods offline.

Now I know that seems like a contradiction. I mean how could you use an offline based method of advertising to promote an online based product and services? Well, let me show you. The various ways through which you can generate and drive traffic o your website are

1. Advertising in the dailies.
2. Use of stickers on your car, door etc.
3. Banner advertising.
4. Billboard advertising.
5. Writing articles for newspapers.
6. Buying ad space in the newspapers.
7. Printing flyers for distribution.
8. Creating jingles for radio and TV Ads.
9. Printing of Business cards that could be handed out to people with your website address on it.
10. Exhibitions and Trade Fairs.
11. Printing your company name and website address on your clothes.
These are some of the many forms of promoting your website offline. Note that these methods look pretty simple but they are very effective forms of advertising.

Advertising in the dailies is not as hard and definitely not very expensive if you were to place your ads in the classified sections of the magazine. To do this, all you need do is call up the advertising manager of each newspaper publication you intend to advertise in and ask the current rates for their classifieds. Most times, their rates are really cheap. If you want a database of national dailies that you could advertise in, visit (Include real website from Google cash). They have in their listings over 250 newspapers with a reach of over 1 million subscribers. This way, your ads gets to be seen by about a million people. Follow carefully here. All you need is just about $750 a month on these adverts. If just one percent of those who see your ads were to visit your website, you’ll have ten thousand visitors –some ads have been known to do a lot better than pull 1% to the website. Now, let’s assume you sell products worth just $29 each. If just 200 people buy from you, you’ll end up with a net sales of about $5800 and a profit margin of $5050. That’s an incredible 500+% profit from just one campaign. Now, you see how profitable that can be. Not to mention the number of people who will visit your website as a result of the ads you put in the newspapers.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Profits Blog' With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Free Internet Business Videos, Tips, and Strategies Go To

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 2

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 2

In this edition of the series on generating website traffic, we’ll be taking a look at methods you can use in generating website traffic online. There are various methods used to generate traffic online. There are the fee-based ones and the free website traffic generation methods. Some of the fees based are cheap while others are expensive. It all depends on all you and on how much you are willing to spend on the advertising.

Under the fee based methods of advertising, you have the following:
1. Payperclick Advert campaigns
2. Classified ads
3. Ezine and Newsletter advertising
4. Search Engine Optimization
5. Paying to Build Email lists popularly known as subscriber lists.
6. Paying to get listed in directories.
7. Purchasing of Text links
8. Advertising on EBay

Under the free methods of advertising are:

1. Article marketing
2. Forum Posting
3. Email marketing after you have built a list
4. Submitting videos to video directories.
5. Using free Classified directories
6. Viral marketing methods e.g use of a tell-a-friend script
7. Tagging and pinging
8. Using Traffic Exchanges.
9. Use of safelists
10. Recruiting affiliates to help sell your products for a commission.
11. Reciprocal linking.
12. Search Engine Optimization.

Because writing on all these will be extremely tasking, I’ll like to narrow down the topics that we’ll be looking at the most relevant of these methods. We’ll start with the Fee based and then move on to the free methods.

1. Pay Per Click Campaigns.

The most popular of these advertising methods is the famous Google adwords. Unfortunately, most people do not know that Google isn’t the only reputable company offering PPC advert campaigns. There are also companies like Azoogle, Chitika, MSN adcenter, Yahoo Search marketing and other smaller PPC search engines such as,,, and a host of others. What these companies do is they offer the advertiser a space on their website to advertise their products and services while billing them an agreed amount of money for every click that advertisers make. That is why it is called pay per click.

Of them all, Google still seems like it is the best at providing the best advertising services because it receives over 10 billion searches in a month. This topic is a very vast topic. Since this is just an introduction to all the various forms of advertising, it would be best to pick up some of the best books on Google advertising online. Three very good books are Google cash by Chris Carpenter, The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords by Perry Marshal, Adwords miracle. These books are written by well recognized and highly respected in the internet marketing field. They provide high quality guides that you’ll find full of relevant information.

Google adwords seems simple at face value, but the truth is if you don’t know what you are doing, you will lose lots of money. That’s the reason you need to pick up these materials. Do not assume when you get to the website and sign up, they’ll just guide you along. All they want from you is your money. So, if you don’t know what you are doing, your money will go down the drain.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Profits Blog' With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Free Internet Business Videos, Tips, and Strategies Go To

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 4

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 4

In the last edition, we looked at the reasons why ezine ads do not work for most people. If that edition was depressing, I’d like to say cheer up. Sometimes, it is best to hear the truth and then know what step to take next to make profits from your ezine ads. Sure people make money from placing ads in ezines, but it takes practice, and thinking outside the box
Breaking the ezine ads jinx, as I like to say takes just some simple steps to do. Getting them done gets your inbox filled with cash. I have noticed that marketers who were selling the same products but came from another angle of marketing, gets better response rate than most who follow the “tested and tried” emails or solo ads their, merchants provide. The only exception to this rule is if you are the first person to get the ad across to the subscribers before any other person does. Asides this, no results are guaranteed.

To get the best from your ezine advertising, it is better to change the subject line of the email you will send except you are absolutely sure that you are the first person to get the message across to them. Since you cannot be sure of this, you can decide to pay for two ezine ads: one with the original solo ad template, another with your own crafted letter. Try this and see the difference. Whichever works in favor of you could be your best bet.

To get maximum return on investment (ROI), send a solo mailing or tops sponsor ad. If you are not sure what these are, they are different types of ads that you see in ezines. Top sponsor ads are the ads at the top of the ezine or newsletter while solo ads are ads that are sent singly without competing with any other ads. So, in this case you get the undivided attention of the subscribers who will read your offer and head over to wherever you direct them to.

Solo ads are usually the most expensive and highly converting followed by top sponsor ads, which are less expensive but also produces result. Last on The scale is the classifieds. These more often than not produce very minimal results.

So, how do you get the best ezines to advertise your products in? There are various directories that provide access to high quality ezines. You could also decide to either search online for them or visit,, Their services are really good. But if your market is not within the Internet marketing niche, use the search engines and type in the key word “niche ezines and newsletters”. Substitute the “niche” with your market e.g. let’s say you sell flowers, all you need do is type in the search bar “flower selling ezines or newsletters”. If you are not satisfied with the results, look for message boards, forums, and discussion boards on the topic. This will provide you with enough information on all you need.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Profits Blog' With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Free Internet Business Videos, Tips, and Strategies Go To

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 5

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 5

If you intend to quickly drive traffic to your website, then, you need to realize that it is going to cost you money. If you are not willing to spend the money, you might as well be willing to spend the time and that sometimes, does not suffice as you end up having results that are less than
One of the quickest ways you can drive targeted traffic to your website is through the use of ezines and newsletters. There are ezine publishers out there who are willing to give you a space to advertise your products to their subscribers and probably profit from it. If you don’t know what an ezine ad looks like, here is an example. Have you opened an email and it seems to contain a whole lot of adverts? Yes. That’s what an ezine ad looks like. All you really need to do to get maximum exposure is maximize these ezines to the fullest and get the best results from them. Unfortunately, people lose money. Sometimes, we all play the numbers game. If I advertise to a list of about 1 million subscribers, I am bound to profit no matter what! Wrong sir. People have been known to advertise to ezines and not even make a return on their investments.

This happens particularly when there isn’t any strong relationship between the purported list owner and his subscribers. It is important to know that sending an email is not just about it. Recent estimates have shown that less than 50 percent of the emails sent by marketers today get to the subscribers’ inbox; and even when they do, less than ten percent are opened. Gory statistics isn’t it? Yet these come from marketers who actually keep in touch with their subscribers, offer them free gifts once in a while to keep them “sweet” and to keep their place on their subscribers lists of people to listen to and hear from. If you doubt these statistics, ask popular Internet marketers such as Armand Morin, Derek Gehl, David Vallieres, Stephen Pierce, Patrick Chan, Aurelius Tjin and a whole lot of others. You will find that one of their major problems is getting their subscribers to read their emails. So, when you see all those offers claiming to place your ads in front of 1 million people, check properly.

Another reason ezine ads don’t do well is the copy that is sent to the subscribers. In case you are not aware, your copy will determine to a large extent, how much response you get from your ads. What most marketers do is just get an email from the owner of the product they want to promote and “blast” to the subscribers. “Blasting” is not a bad thing if your copy is different as you are bound to get different and better results from the list than from those who just sent the mail like that. Let me tell you why this tactic of just sending your ads without crafting your own copy does not work. These subscribers have probably had the same offers you are sending to them and are immune to the copy as a result; regardless of how compelling the copy might be. I have watched as marketers flooded my inbox with the same headlines, and the same ads. The only difference usually is in the kinds of bonuses they offer. So, to make your ezine ads a success, think outside the box. Don’t do the “death of ……” gimmick. It doesn’t work.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Profits Blog' With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Free Internet Business Videos, Tips, and Strategies Go To

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 7

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 7

In the last edition of this series, we examined the kinds of ezine ads that would be profitable to anyone at any point in time. We weighed the pros and cons of using ezine ads and the best profitable one. In today’s edition, we’ll be exploring using articles to sell your products. Don’t fret as it is quite easy. A lot of people seem to shrink at the mere though of writing articles. If you think you cannot, you can outsource them. Websites like,, offer writing services.

After you have your articles ready –I’ll suggest you write about 10 articles on the first day- use five of them to create a mini course or an ecourse. Then post the remaining five to the following article directories:

Submitting your articles to this list of websites –there are so many article directories if you look for them- will undoubtedly bring you traffic depending on your bylines, quality of articles written and the niche you are writing in.

After submitting to the article directory, create a 5-part mini course loaded with information that is tied to the product you want to promote. Then load it on the autoresponder service you use. Getresponse and Aweber are very good. You can get them and The reason you need this is to get your subscribers’ email address so they can get the ecourse you are sending them and in the process, get to see your adverts or recommendations which would result in them buying your products. When you sign up with the autoresponder service, they provide you with a code that you have to place on your website. When you place this code on your website, it appears like an email address and name bar. This is where people will enter their details and voila, you have their email address.

Once they sign up, they’ll keep getting the course you have provided for them. During this period, some will buy while others will not. But the most important thing is getting their email address. So, if they don’t buy from you today, they could buy tomorrow. In the meantime, continue writing articles. If you wish, you might decide to extend the length of the ecourse. But one very impressive tactic I have seen used by a famous internet marketer is after they get the last course on day 5, send them another one on day 6 but in a different format. What do I mean? Compile the whole course into a PDF file and ask them to download it so they could continuously refer to it in their daily activities. Include giveaway rights to it too. So, they’ll be able to pass it along to their friends and colleagues. This goes on to become your marketing agent. This works like magic because your subscribers have a higher perceived value of the ecourse now compared to what it was when you were just sending it in emails. As a result, you could even profit from people who never signed up for your ecourse but have the report you compiled.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Profits Blog' With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Free Internet Business Videos, Tips, and Strategies Go To

Get Traffic Through Viral Marketing

Get Traffic Through Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is considered as one of the most powerful method of online marketing and advertising. This refers to the method of promoting products and services through the suitable distribution. This marketing technique is not just one of the successful internet marketing method but also considered as most economical method.

E-books, Software and online articles are considered as most popular forms of this type of online marketing. In the e-books, articles and programs there are links to websites and products that are promoted. One of the fine ways of getting fast traffic is to put affiliate links in e-books and articles. A decent and valid viral marketing campaign also help in creating large mailing list and database of your customer and target audience apart from increasing traffic to your webpage and other affiliated websites.

To effectively utilize viral marketing for creation of a customer database, it is suggested that you register an e-book on your website before opening it. Also make sure that all the required links are in the place before starting sending out your mails.

The type of an e-book or Software that you distribute for the promoting your product or service determines the success of your viral marketing campaign. This marketing exercise show results when complimentary products are passed to great number of individuals. This could happen when the product or service you distribute has the educational value. Do not begin this sort of advertising with a junk product or the product which is already available or easily found in the market. Create something new and interesting so that people feel inspired to pass on and then pass it to the receivers requesting them to pass it to the groups or masses.

Providing e-books is considered as one of most reliable and economical methods of such marketing techniques. Large numbers of sources are there to provide e-books for this purpose. Also go on writing or creating your own e-book if you do no like to buy it for distribution. A good e-book is generally written that covers all the summary content of the website. Cover the relevant links in the e-book because such type of links are able to create more good traffic to your website. So try to make the interesting, short, clear and informative e-book.

You can also compile an electronic book for your such online marketing mission in case you can not write it. Write some good articles and create a book related with your business. Give interesting title to these articles and format it nicely and load it with the relevant links. This marks the beginning of your such online internet marketing campaign.

Rajeev Guglani writes Articles for SEO. He has vast exposure in Writing for Web Promotions .He is working for NDDW. For online internet marketing, internet marketing campaign and Viral Marketing visit

Assessing Your Competitors’ Traffic: Is it Worth It?

Assessing Your Competitors’ Traffic: Is it Worth It?

Assessing your competitors’ traffic is like chasing rainbows: you never quite get there and wouldn’t know what to do if you did. How do you compare traffic, and is it really worth doing?

A lot depends upon what you mean by the word ‘traffic’ and how you assess it. Every time you visit your own website you are ‘traffic’ unless you can measure unique visitors. Here are three ways of gathering approximations of the traffic that your competition is getting relative to yours, although ‘approximate’ is very much the appproriate word:

* Alexa Ranking: if you visit you will be able to download a toolbar that provides you with what is known as an Alexa Ranking. This is a ranking of the web page you are viewing in terms of total traffic relative to other sites on the internet from Alexa users. The lower the figure the better, so you can compare your competitors’ with your own Alexa statistics.

* Compete Ranking: allow you to download the Compete equivalent to the Alexa ranking Many people prefer Compete because it uses a wider base for collecting data: in addition to toolbar users they also use data from ASPs, ISPs and opt-in panels. They also provide data on unique traffic that Alexa do not.

* Netcraft: this site provides information mainly on web servers rather than individual domains, and is useful only if you want to find information about your competitor’s server. The information is sketchy for any but the biggest sites.

These toolbars are free, and useful for the amateur webmaster to use. However, if you are serious about finding information about the traffic of your competition there are a number of commercial paid sites such as Hitwise and ComScore that provide you with more comprehensive information. The choice of such services is a personal one, and quite frankly there are few, if any, that provide a comprehensive analysis of traffic that could be of much benefit to you.

Finding traffic details about your compettition is all very well, but to what use can you put it? It is not the volume of traffic that matters but how much unique traffic you are getting, and what you do with it is even more important. That could depend on the type of business you have.

A B2B (business to business) website usually regards traffic in a different way to that of a B2C (business to customer) site, in that whereas a B2B website is often designed to showcase the products and services offered, much like it would use a trade show, a B2C landing page is generally more of a squeeze page, designed to maintain contact with the visitor with a view to completing a sale some time in the future.

Whereas one is designed to display technological or product competence and innovation to prospects who are perhaps already in a sales funnel, the other is designed to create and maintain interest with the traffic achieved and enter them into the funnel. It is not so much how much traffic you get to your site that is important, but what type of traffic you get and what you subsequently do with it.

OK, we all know about squeeze pages and how you must use an opt-in form to collect your visitors’ email addresses. But what else? Do you use a sales funnel for instance? Every visitor to your website should enter the funnel and be qualified to different levels the farther down the funnel they travel. It is a good tool to try if you are new to the concept.

You should have specific actions to take at each level in your funnel, and also pre-arranged means of injecting life into those prospects that appear to have become stuck! You will have to lubricate the funnel now and again, perhaps with free offers or money-off coupons your visitors can use to purchase some of your higher value products at low prices. That should get them going on their way down the funnel towards the area where you offer them products with real benefits at real prices. The money-making end!

That is one simple way in which you can use your traffic to your best advantage, and where, if your competitors do not do the same, their traffic is irrelevant to their income. If you can make every visitor count by using the proper tools, then assessing your competitors’ traffic might be time better spent on other things.

It is important that you keep tabs of what your competition is doing, but don’t dwell too much on their traffic: think more on what you are doing with yours.

If you want more information on traffic generation, check out Pete’s blog on Seoscopywhere you will find out how to use SEO to drive masses of traffic to your website, and also links to his other websites and blogs on similar topics.

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 5

How to Drive targeted Traffic to Your Website And Earn Lots of Cash in the Process. Part 5

If you intend to quickly drive traffic to your website, then, you need to realize that it is going to cost you money. If you are not willing to spend the money, you might as well be willing to spend the time and that sometimes, does not suffice as you end up having results that are less than your expectations.

One of the quickest ways you can drive targeted traffic to your website is through the use of ezines and newsletters. There are ezine publishers out there who are willing to give you a space to advertise your products to their subscribers and probably profit from it. If you don’t know what an ezine ad looks like, here is an example. Have you opened an email and it seems to contain a whole lot of adverts? Yes. That’s what an ezine ad looks like. All you really need to do to get maximum exposure is maximize these ezines to the fullest and get the best results from them. Unfortunately, people lose money. Sometimes, we all play the numbers game. If I advertise to a list of about 1 million subscribers, I am bound to profit no matter what! Wrong sir. People have been known to advertise to ezines and not even make a return on their investments.

This happens particularly when there isn’t any strong relationship between the purported list owner and his subscribers. It is important to know that sending an email is not just about it. Recent estimates have shown that less than 50 percent of the emails sent by marketers today get to the subscribers’ inbox; and even when they do, less than ten percent are opened. Gory statistics isn’t it? Yet these come from marketers who actually keep in touch with their subscribers, offer them free gifts once in a while to keep them “sweet” and to keep their place on their subscribers lists of people to listen to and hear from. If you doubt these statistics, ask popular Internet marketers such as Armand Morin, Derek Gehl, David Vallieres, Stephen Pierce, Patrick Chan, Aurelius Tjin and a whole lot of others. You will find that one of their major problems is getting their subscribers to read their emails. So, when you see all those offers claiming to place your ads in front of 1 million people, check properly.

Another reason ezine ads don’t do well is the copy that is sent to the subscribers. In case you are not aware, your copy will determine to a large extent, how much response you get from your ads. What most marketers do is just get an email from the owner of the product they want to promote and “blast” to the subscribers. “Blasting” is not a bad thing if your copy is different as you are bound to get different and better results from the list than from those who just sent the mail like that. Let me tell you why this tactic of just sending your ads without crafting your own copy does not work. These subscribers have probably had the same offers you are sending to them and are immune to the copy as a result; regardless of how compelling the copy might be. I have watched as marketers flooded my inbox with the same headlines, and the same ads. The only difference usually is in the kinds of bonuses they offer. So, to make your ezine ads a success, think outside the box. Don’t do the “death of ……” gimmick. It doesn’t work.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Profits Blog' With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Free Internet Business Videos, Tips, and Strategies Go To

Traffic Generation and Affordable SEO Services

Traffic generation is of extreme importance to your online business, and affordable SEO services are equally important in securing that website traffic.
In order to help you achieve the type of traffic you need to make your online business a success, we shall look at each of these statements separately and discuss what options are available to enable you to attract the visitors that are essential to your online future. Although there are ways to attract traffic other than through search engine optimization, it is definitely to your benefit if you can secure traffic by means of the free advertising that a high listing in search engines such as Google and Yahoo can provide you with.

There are many ways in which you can make your website as search engine friendly as possible and improve its capacity for traffic generation. Did you notice the mistake I just made there? I mentioned websites in the same sentence as search engine. True search engines look at web pages, not web sites. More on that in a minute. In order to make it easier for me (and you) I am going to apply the name Google whenever I write about ‘search engine’, since although Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Ask, etc are important, no one can deny that Google is the biggest search engine.

Not only that, but it was the first true search engine. Yahoo started life off as a web directory, and if your site was not in the Yahoo directory, it would not be listed in a search. Now, however, in addition to being a website directory, Yahoo, MSN and Ask are true web search engines, the same as Google. I will explain the difference later from my website that you can access from the link in my Resource Box.

For the moment, accept the fact that Google and the other true search engines crawl the whole World Wide Web for the web pages that are most relevant to the search term that your customers are using to find the information they are seeking. Did you notice what I just wrote there? ‘Web pages’? Not ‘web sites’ but web pages, as I mentioned earlier. Google and the rest list individual web pages in order of relevance to its interpretation of the words that your potential visitors use to find their information. That is very important to keep in mind.

How do they do that? How do the search engines decide what is relevant and what is not to a character string – that is all that your search term is. That is another story really, but it is connected with what is commonly termed ‘Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)’, a misnomer for a mathematical statistical analysis of the vocabulary on each of your web pages.

I say misnomer, because LSI is not an indexing technique, but an analysis method that uses character strings and known juxtaposition of characters, to determine what you are writing about through the use of contextual relevance of the whole passage of your text to the keyword, or theme, that you have highlighted by means of the search engine optimization techniques available to you. Nobody can make a web page LSI compliant, or ‘use’ LSI on a website.

It is akin to saying that you can use probability equations to write an article on fly fishing. It is a nonsense that even the best known internet gurus believe, unless they are lying to us and I sure that they would not do that. They must therefore be more ignorant than we believed them to be, which explains quite a lot all things considered. Which of the two options would they admit to I wonder.

You no longer need the oft-quoted 1% - 3% keyword density on your web page, but instead more vocabulary and content on your page that makes the topic of that page clear, without any doubt, to software that parses our page for its meaning in additional to human readers who can tell that at a glance. You have to use more vocabulary than just repeat the keyword or Google and the rest of the search engines will not list your page.

The most affordable SEO services will provide you with the small things that you do to your individual web pages to improve your listing position and traffic generation capability. Such services need not be expensive, although the sites you find online that offer them tend to charge high prices since they are targeting large companies rather than individuals with single small websites of a hundred pages or less. One technique that they all mention, however, is the use of meta tags. Many get it wrong!

The only important meta tags are the Title and Description tags. You should also point out to the spiders what your more important vocabulary is by use of H tags, bold text, italics and underlining. Google appreciates that, but while you might be rewarded for doing so, you will not be punished for not doing so. There is a massive difference between breaking the rules and failing to give a helping hand.

Your linking strategy is of critical importance, and you must have a good number of links back to your web page from other relevant web pages. Take note of the two important words I have used there: ‘pages’ and ‘relevant’. I could write 10 pages on Google PageRank without doing it justice, so won’t start now. Just believe me that you get a share of the Google PageRank of a page linking to yours (not of the home page of that site), and since most linking pages are designed only to hold URL links and consequently contain masses of other links on them, then your share is practically zilch.

Do not therefore give a website a link from your home page that reciprocates with one from deep inside the directory structure that provides you with absolutely no benefit. You cannot lose PageRank by providing a link, but why should you give more than you get. Come to an arrangement: you will provide a link from your PR 5 page if the other party reciprocates. Not if their link is from a PR 0 page.

There are many more ways in which you can legally attract search engines to your website and achieve high listings and to generate loads of traffic. There are also many illegal methods of doing so. It is the end result that counts, but before you can even begin to understand what the term ‘black hat’ means, you must first understand what SEO means!

Traffic generation is critical to your success, and if you can find affordable SEO services to help you to achieve that, then you are most of the way there. The effect that good search engine optimization has on the generation of traffic to selected pages within your website cannot be over-estimated and will likely determine your future over the next year.

Peter enjoys the game of contesting the search engines with his SEO techniques, and this article is continued on his web page Traffic Generation. His site Seociousalso provides screenshots of how he gets his sites in Google’s top 10 only a few days after submission using one of his simple website designs.

Internet Options for Business-minded Persons

Internet Options for Business-minded Persons

The internet is a great place to do business in if you know your way around. Millions of people surf the net every minute of the day and night looking for informtion on thousands of different topics that interest them and if you succeed in pulling the attention of a small percentage of them and sell them something, you are in business. This is easier said than done, however.

Beginners are scammed and ripped-off more than once. Usually they go for Affiliate Programs to wet their feet. They are taken in by elaborate sales pages that promise them: their own website, their own autoresponder, build their own subscriber-list, cloaked links so that no one can steal their commission and even Traffic during their initial few months to get them started immediately. As soon as their payment is effected they discover to their dismay that the Autoresponder is managed by the Website owner, they cannot connect with their subscribers (if any), that only certain links are cloaked and in fact after a week or so they are invited to buy the Link Cloaking Software, an autoresponder and other tools as well.

Sad experiences of this sort erode the moral of the newcomers and once bitten they shy away from further purchases even from the genuine ones. They start looking for freebies and build Blogs and Lenses and Free Pages. They subscribe to FFA sites, post a free Ad here and there but get NOWHERE, a few clicks on their counters perhaps, but no real Traffic, let alone Sales. So what is a beginner to do?

She can choose between 2 Options. Either (1) forget the whole thing Or (2) determine to start her OWN business and be prepared to invest a little in a complete suite of tools, even if (this is important) she does not yet know what line of business she is taking. The tools include personal mentoring and a Guide both Text and Video to walk her step by step through the WHOLE process of:

i) finding her niche market that has healthy Demand but not too stiff a Competition;

ii) choosing a Domain Name after serious study and consideration that best fits her business;

iii) Hosting which is also included in the price;

iv) building 'content' Pages full of keywords that people click upon;

v) submitting to the Search Engines and ensuring a good ranking position;

vi) pulling visitors and Traffic;

v) how to MONETIZE and many other 'cannot-do-without' features, which is too long a list to enumerate here.

Starting a REAL business, takes time, dedication and some investment. Do you know of any successful business both online and offline which sprang up overnight, which is not seriously run and which did not require an initial capital investment, however small? Quick-Cash schemes demanding no work on your part are Scams and are all-out to take your money. On the other hand some affiliate programs are good and you can promote them along with your OWN prime business thus creating several income streams

SEO Tips that you should be doing

SEO Tips that you should be doing

As part of your web development, there are several techniques that you should be employing to make your website more search engine and visitor friendly. From the websites that I work on, I have listed 6 points that you should be doing as part of basic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to make your website more search engine and visitor friendly.

1. Webpage Title.

Write down your keywords and include them in the title of your webpage rather than the name of your website in the webpage title. Don't get me wrong, it's OK to use the name of your website if the keyword(s) are the name of your website. However, if it is not, use the Header Panel for the name and stick with the webpage title for your main keywords, not exceeding 60 - 70 characters including spaces.

2. Meta Keywords and


Ensure that the keywords used in the webpage title are the same keywords used in the META keywords and META description of your webpage. Your targeted keywords should also be used in the

heading tags of your webpage if you have any headings.

3. Use your keywords in the text on the page.

Use the same keywords that you included in the title, meta keywords and meta description in the text on your webpage. I try and include each keyword once, possible twice, in each paragraph on the webpage.

4. Deep link.

Deep link pages using anchor texts, but don't over do it. It looks untidy and desperate to a visitor and possibly a search engine. Examples of anchor links can be seen at the bottom of this article, in the resource box. Basically, you need to anchor text the relevant keyword to take the visitor or search engine spider to another page of your website which uses the same keyword as you have in the anchor text. So anchor text of 'Car Hire' on a page might take the visitor and search engine spider to a page on your website about Car Hire, with the word Car Hire on the target page being included in the webpage title, meta keyword, description and text.

5. Link using Anchor Text and URL links.

My general rule of thumb when writing an article is to have 3 separate anchor texts to 1 URL link. No more. Most article directories allow you to include this amount and it doesn't make your article look untidy. The 3 anchor texts that you use should be 3 of the keywords for the target page, found also in the webpage title, description and text of the target page.

6. Get some good SEO Software.

Simple but sometimes forgotten. Good SEO Software is so beneficial for research, finding reciprocal partners, checking backlinks etc. As part of your website development, I seriously encourage you to purchase some good SEO software as this will not only help with your rankings but also your more detailed SEO campaigns.

SEO Success - SEO Maintenance for Your Website

SEO Success - SEO Maintenance for Your Website

SEO is not an advertising campaign. It is an ongoing process for websites if they wish to maintain their high organic rankings on major search engines like Google and Yahoo. When your site finally gets high ranking for important keywords of your business, there can never be a guarantee that your site will remain at favourable positions forever without persistent SEO maintenance.

Therefore, maintenance needs to be done for specific keywords that have achieved high organic rankings on search engines. Businesses with important keywords ranking high on organic listings simply cannot afford to lose their positions as it will mean a decrease in traffic, leads, and sales. It will be good if these companies continue to pay a SEO agency to maintain their rankings at an affordable cost.

Sometimes, search engines will just drop off a website from its listings entirely. Or in some cases, you will see a drastic drop in the ranking for some of your keywords. During these circumstances, you should give your SEO agency time to fight back the ranking for you. SEO results take time and it is also true with SEO maintenance. Give your agency a buffer period of 3 to 4 weeks to work things out before you deduce its efficiency and capability.

During SEO maintenance, it does not mean just maintaining the keywords around the same positions. A professional SEO agency should also work on improving the initial ranking of the keywords. Agency will evaluate whether any tweaking need to be done and other necessary SEO processes. Below are some of the maintenance works for SEO:

1. Changing of tagging. If the SEO agency finds that there is a drastic drop in your SEO ranking, they might suggest changing the tagging for every optimized page.

2. Adding of content. Adding fresh and keyword-rich content is definitely a great way to maintain your favourable SEO rankings.

3. Review keywords. If the conversions are low from SEO, your agency might suggest reviewing of keywords and optimize more relevant keywords for you.

4. Building links. Building link is a process that must not be stopped. Consistent link building is needed to maintain favourable SEO rankings.

Make sure that the agency handling your maintenance provides you with a monthly report to show your ranking performance. Any changes made to the website should also be documented to prevent any overwriting. With proper SEO maintenance, your site should remain in favourable positions for years to come. Remember, SEO is a process, not a one-time effort.

SEO Consultant - 5 Qualities That A SEO Consultant Must Have

SEO Consultant - 5 Qualities That A SEO Consultant Must Have

A professional SEO consultant is essential for the success of a search engine optimization project. With the right input and expertise from a SEO consultant, SEO can be carried out more effectively and efficiently, thus helping your site to achieve higher ranking much faster.

A quality SEO consultant needs to have proven track record and portfolio. Do not afraid to ask for references and find out his working relationships and SEO results with his clients. A proficient SEO consultant will also know how to make use of the right keywords to attract the right target audience to visit your website from the search engines. It is always about results and you need to make sure that the consultant has the necessary skillsets and knowledge to deliver it.

Now, let me share with you 5 qualities that I think a professional SEO consultant should have:

1. Knowledgeable in online marketing. The consultant should have a vast knowledge on website promotion on the Internet. He or she must know how to promote a website on various search engines by using the right keywords. Sometimes, the most generic keyword is not always the best keyword to optimize. The consultant should conduct a research and find out what are the keywords that your prospects actually type in search engines to look for your products or services.

2. Onsite optimization knowledge. He or she must be proficient enough to tag the different pages of your website with the right keywords. Onsite optimization is more than just putting keywords in the Title and Meta tags. The keywords used in each page must match the content of that page. At the same time, the frequency that the keywords appear in the particular page also needs to be taken into consideration. Too many occurrence of a keyword in a single page is considered keyword stuffing and search engines will penalize your site for this.

3. Offsite optimization knowledge. He or she needs to be familiar with offsite optimization techniques such as directory submissions, link buildings, articles submission, social bookmarking, etc.

4. Know how to retain your website visitors. Driving huge traffic to your website is not enough if none of them take the particular action that you want them to take (such as downloading a report, opting into a mailing list, or an online sale). Therefore, a professional SEO consultant should have the knowledge on landing page optimization so that he or she will know how to structure your page to increase your conversion.

5. Up-to-date with the latest SEO news and techniques. He or she needs to be competent in the latest SEO techniques and methods by keeping himself updated with the latest SEO news.

With these, you are now equipped with the expectation of what a SEO consultant should have before you hire any consultant to optimize your site.

SEO Is Not An Advertising Campaign But An Advertising Process

SEO Is Not An Advertising Campaign But An Advertising Process

n Singapore, a lot of people still get confused between SEO and PPC advertising. SEO is not an advertising model but a process of consistent tweaking and monitoring to get your website to rank high on organic search engine result page (SERP).

PPC advertising is an advertising model which you can bid for keywords that are relevant to your business and your ads will appear on the Sponsored Area of the SERP. SEO and PPC are 2 very different marketing channels and each of them brings different benefits to your business.

SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is a process and series of services that best helps when there are quality contents on your website. With the right keyword analysis and optimization process, your website will get indexed by search engines and be awarded high rankings on organic listings for keywords that are related to your products and services.

However, SEO is known for its incapability in estimating the results and the time that it needs before one can see success always make business owners and marketing managers think twice before engaging a SEO agency. Although SEO is slower indeed when it comes to seeing results, it is a marketing channel that a website must have in place. In the long run, SEO is definitely more cost effective when compared to a PPC campaign.

Let us understand that SEO is not an advertising campaign. A company cannot pay money to achieve a high organic SERP ranking for its website. When a site is ranked high on organic SERP for certain keywords, there is no guarantee that it will stay in that position for a period of time. However, PPC advertising is an advertising campaign which a company can pay to have its ads stays on search engines for a period of time. This small difference can clearly define the difference between SEO and PPC.

SEO and PPC can work hand in hand in a search engine marketing campaign. There is a closely knitted relationship between SEO and PPC. One usual practice is to start off with PPC campaign for a new site. As SEO takes time to see results, search engine marketing specialist will usually suggest running a PPC campaign first for major keywords that are relevant to the website. With this, the company can use PPC advertising to bring in targeted traffic as it waits for search engines to index and rank the new site.

So once SEO starts to see results, the company can then change the keywords in its PPC campaign to diversify its reach to other market. The major keywords should now be already optimized and bringing in traffic from organic listings.

PPC brings customers and provides publicity. But the contents and SEO makes the visitors stay and affect the sales. Bear in mind that PPC is an advertising campaign which runs simultaneously with SEO and SEO is the one which makes your website visitors stay and convert into customers.

How To Talk SEO To Your Designer?

It is very important for your web designer to know the importance of SEO before he or she creates your website. A website which is not search engine friendly will destroy any chance of it getting rank high on search engine result page (SERP) for keywords that are relevant to your business.

However, it is not always easy to talk to a designer when it comes to SEO and web design. Designers have their own methods and philosophies when designing websites. SEO consultants know the damages that a fanciful website built entirely with Flash will do to its SERP rankings. So how to talk SEO to your designer so that your SEO consultant and designer can come into a common agreement and develop a website which is search engine friendly, yet interactive too?

I think the first step is to let your designer understand the importance of SEO. If your designer does not appreciate SEO, he will not spend his time worrying about designing a search engine friendly website. Make him understand that a visually appealing website without traffic is of little use to the company. Search engine is the foundation of all traffic sources for a website. With a SEO friendly website, prospects will be able to find it on search engines which translates into more leads and sales. However, it is not true that in order to build a SEO friendly website, designer must forsake the visual appeal of it. He or she can design a SEO friendly appealing website by following certain guidelines passed down by the SEO consultant.

When you are building a SEO friendly website, you should communicate with your designer way before he or she draws out the new design. You or your SEO consultant needs to work closely with the designer right from the beginning. Make sure that your designer understands each of the SEO guideline that is necessary to build a website that can be indexed easily by search engines.

When building a SEO friendly website, content is very important. As long as you provide keyword-rich descriptions and content on your site, you can still have videos and flash banners to maintain the visual appeal and interactivity with your web visitors.

Last but not least, make sure that all your internal pages are interlinked. This is to allow search engine spiders to find deeper pages within your site for indexing. These links should be HTML links as JavaScript are difficult to crawl. Always use ALT tags to provide a keyword-rich description for every image on your site.

Bear these tips in mind while you are building your new site. Communicate with your designer and I am sure he or she will understand the long term benefits of SEO traffic for the website.


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